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Last year, we targeted Polygon as an optimal Layer2 solution, NFTs, and DeFi. As a result of focusing on these technologies, we started three projects that later went on to become ventures.
Today, Trapseys leads the development of the Polygon SDK, NFTizer is working on some of the most challenging initiatives in the NFT space, and, Tesseract has won the hearts of “DeFi degens” on Polygon and has millions in assets.
The future of web3 The future of web3
The future of web3 The future of web3
If you are yearning for the freedom to choose what you want to do, a chance to learn about new technologies, and an opportunity to share excitement about them with the people who care to listen - contact us by sharing the link to your CV, what drives you, and what got you excited about 3327 via a message at 3327.eth on Rinkeby Testnet.