Dare to wonder and make wonders?
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In 2024, our primary focus is on ZKP, a technology that's driving privacy and security in Web3. We're pushing the boundaries with projects like the Curvy Stealth Address Protocol, designed to enhance transaction privacy without compromising usability.
While our core research lies in ZKP, we are also exploring FHE. Although it’s not our main focus, we are keeping a close eye on its potential to revolutionize our space.
The future of web3 The future of web3
The future of web3 The future of web3
If you are yearning for the freedom to choose what you want to do, a chance to learn about new technologies, and an opportunity to share excitement about them with the people who care to listen - contact us by sharing the link to your CV, what drives you, and what got you excited about 3327 via a message at 3327.eth on Rinkeby Testnet.